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Box Drill

Six Cones and 2 -3 footballs

Place two cones in a line about 12-15 yards apart. In between these cones and 3-5 yards to either the left or the right of the line between the first two cones, make a 3 x 3 yard box. Split the players in the drill into two lines behind the two first cones. One line is the ball carrier and one line is the tackler. On the whistle, the first player in the ball carrier line and the first player in the tackler line race to get inside the box. The ball carrier can make any football move inside the box and the tackler must bring the running back down beofre the running back can exit the box from the opposite side he./she entered.

X is cone

- used for spacing















Rotate sides of the box each day you run the drill to work tackling from differnt sides

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Our basic tackling drill...

Lie two tackle dummies side-by-side, about 4' apart.

Two lines of players.

Players lie on backs, at the ends of the dummies.

Coach throws/drops ball to one player.

Both get up, ball carries tries to run between dummies. Non-ball carrier makes tackle.

ASCII art....

3= players




|....| x


This keeps the closing speeds pretty low and forces kids to be quick to feet.

3-on-3 game...

Nothing fancy here. Break kids into small "teams", run it in a round robin, winning team gets to sit out wind sprints at end of practice

- 10 dummies (or cones) to mark "sidelines", 6 players, 1 ball

- Offense gets 3 plays to get to "endzone".

- Sidelines only as wide as needed to allow RB to sneak up the side. Too wide and the RB just runs away from the Defense.











The one thing I've found... when the kids start to get bored, there are two things that get them back into practice... lots of tackling each other... and games.

Recently, our QB/FS has been begging to play OL or DL in drills because he wants to hit people.

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