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Machine Pitch Softball

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Hi I am a first year coach and I was wondering if anyone could give me some helpful advice for coaching machine pitch softball 7-9 year olds. I have assisted before, a long long time ago for minor league softball and coached soccer for 5 year olds, but this is a totally different experience for me. I want to make sure that the kids are having a good time and have good sportsmanship and my philosophy has always been as long as you play your best it doesn't matter about the score. I have been looking for drills that would be fun, but I have noticed that some of them are for older girls.

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This seems simple but it should be. Just break them down into small groups and work the fundamentals over and over - throwing, catching, hitting. Then get them in positions and work situations over and over and over.

We have some pretty simple drills listed here on our coaching database.

I don't know how many girls you are carring but break them down into 3 or 4 groups and work each station for 15 - 20 minutes depending on how much time you have. Come up with 3 or 4 drills for each station and rotate the girls through.

Here are a few videos you may find helpful:

Softball Drills DVD

Softball Skills DVD

Any Ernie Parker Video for Pitching

59 Minute Baseball Practice DVD I know this is designed with baseball in mind but the drills and organization can be used just as easily for softball.

Good luck on your season, please let us know how things are going.

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Thanks. I will check those links out. I will probably have 10 girls. I have tryouts this weekend and drafting, so I will have more of an idea of what I am up against. Thanks for your help.

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I never coached them that young but from what I see of the older girls one of the main things they dont get in the younger levels is enough batting practice. They need LOTS of swings to develop good muscle memory and hand eye coordnation. You will have your hands full keeping their attention. But that never changes because at some point they discover boys.Keep your head up.Itll be fun.

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Tip # 1, get a few batting tees then find a college softball player to help with some batting drills. I've learned that skipping the fundimentals creates problems down the road.

1. Stance

2. Hand position

3. Choke up on the bat have the batter hitting off the T staning only on her back foot.

4. Put a broom stick behind the back and in the crook of the elbow, and have them twist and hit a ball off the T

5. 2 T's on 4 feet infront of the other each with a ball, have them swing and hit the first ball into the second ball.

6. Put but of bat on belly button touch wall or fence with tip of bat have them swing without hitting the wall.


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