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Gameday Hitting

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I'm looking for answers. My 9U kids can hit fine in practice, but when we get in the game they can't get it done. I've always been against letting the other kids pitch in BP because of the wear & tear on arms. I'm at a loss. The kids mechanics are not flawed, at least not fatally, but they seem to fall apart against a pitcher with any speed. :(

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I struggle with kids/coach pitching in practice also as they need to get used to facing another kid. The confidence always seems to be a little higher when facing a coach and the coach throws more strikes usually at this age so you get more cuts, but they need to get used to hitting against a kid who may bean them.

Anyway, I have started having batting practice where the coach pitches through the first round and then a kid who will not be pitching that week pitches the second round of batting practice.

Another tactic that has started to work for me during games is to get the kids to better understand and manage the count. There is much less pressure to swing early in the count and especially on a 1-0 or 2-0 pitch than a 0-2 pitch, I re-inforce over and over at practice not to wait until you have two strikes on you before you swing the bat. At this age I rarely have my players take a pitch even on a 3-0 count. I want them to hit the ball if at all possible.

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I don't coach "kid pitch"...(I coach machine pitch)...but what I've seen from some of those who do coach that level say the problem is that in practice they trust you and see (hopefully) more controlled and consistent pitches.

During games the "FEAR" factor of being hit becomes very real, especially if the kid pitching begins to struggle.

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I am coaching 7-9 year olds and have noticed the same thing. We start games in 2 weeks so I started letting the pitchers throw in some batting practice. My kids hit really well against coaches, but we also are predictable and throw strikes. When they are hitting against another player only about 3 can consistently hit.

I'm hoping that live BP will help all of that and get the pitchers used to throwing in real situations as well. The coaches will also pitch some so that the players confidence isn't crushed until they learn to hit against players.

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Have you tried the take-a-pitch drill. Actually, I don't know that this drill has a name but the drill goes like this.

Simply stand approx 2-3 feet from kid as he is in the batters box ready to hit and lightly throw the ball inside to him. He is not swinging but "taking one for the team" (not "take a pitch" as in not swinging but "take a pitch" as in letting it hit him) The kid is instructed to let the ball hit him as he turns away from the pitch so the ball hits him in the back or kaboose or wherever the ball hits him. Do this 4, 5 times with each kid. You would not throw the ball hard but with at least enough so he "feels" it.

Fear is a big factor with this age group, really all youth age groups. Some are going to be more scared than others but you really should teach them how to "take" a pitch to the body.


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